
  • Dalai Lama Pizza Joke
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 22:54
    Dalai Lama Pizza Joke

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    1. Dalai Lama Quotes
    2. Dalai Lama Joke Pizza
    3. What Does The Dalai Lama Eat
    • Joke So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says: 'Can you make me one with everything?' Did you understand it? It's a joke regarding the understanding that Buddha taught that we were part of a whole. The Dalai Lama did not understand this joke but he laughed when the anchor man said 'I knew this wouldn't work'.
    • Comedy and Reality Break: The Dalai Lama and the Pizza Joke. Reading Time: 1 minute. A little light—very light—banter with the Dalai Lama just floats away. Australian newsman tries, unsuccessfully, to tell a joke to the Dalai Lama. For what it’s worth, we aren’t quite sure we got it either.

    Jokes must be in text format, no emoji's or linking allowed. (YouTube, Imgur, etc). As a measure to prevent spam and reposts we are limiting the number of jokes a user can submit to 3 every 24 hours. This subreddit is not a platform for blatant self-promotion.

    Dalai Lama Quotes

    If you post a NSFW image/link in the comments, it must be tagged as NSFW (Nudity/gross images) or NSFL (Gore/extremely disturbing images, and only if relevant to the conversation). Jokes must be in EnglishThese are jokes. Some of them are old, and as such reflect the tone of the times.

    Some of them are new, and just as offensive. Unless it's spam, it stays.If you find certain comments or submissions here offensive, the best way to address it is with more speech.Friends of the sub:.= spoilers(#s). Why don't people ever finish this joke!(because this is how I heard it, I'm gonna switch it to a hotdog stand)D man goes to a hotdog stand and says 'Make me one with everything.' Hot dog vender says, that'll be two-fiddy. DL gives him a fiver and waits a minute before saying 'where's my change?' The Vendor says 'Change must come from within.'

    The Dalai Lama Walks into a Pizza Shop (Video), Dalai Lama joke World's media gets stuck into Karl., karl stefanovic tells the dalai lama a joke lol - YouTube. Stefanovic Dalai Lama HD Images.

    So L-Dog pulls out his 9mm and the vendor says 'Woah! What's this?' To which his holiness responds 'It's my inner piece.' And at that, the vendor was enlightened (by a few bucks).

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    Dalai Lama Joke Pizza

    Comments section), not the content you are linking). Simply deleting your post may cause the spam filter to catch future ones.Note: Submissions from new users, and users with low karma, are automatically removed to help prevent spam.Also, please contact us regarding spam, political or any other inappropriate videos, as this helps us remove them more quickly! When reporting, please explain why you think it should be removed.Do not message moderators individually about posts not appearing in the new queue or ban appeals. Messages should be sent as a modmail to. Failure to do so may result in a ban.Submit Feedback. Send us a mod mail anytime or head to our Discord linked above.Spoiler Tags.Spoilers: spoiler(#s) =Related Subreddits. I once saw the Dalai Lama speak in public, he walked up to the podium thing (this was in a university lecture hall) and he looks down on it and starts reading a note sticky taped on it.

    What Does The Dalai Lama Eat

    'Please do not remove the podium from this room', so tried to lift the podium up and take it away. His turn to speak was after several local leaders of other religious groups, Jewish, catholic, ect, about 5 of them. All with about 45 minute speeches about how their religion is tolerant and how we can all get along. After trying to steal the podium the Dalai lama opens up with 'He says we can get along, so does he (hes pointing at them standing behind him) and this guy too. So lets do it, problem over!'

    And then comically walks off stage (to quickly return). I don't really belive in black and white analogies or that some one is 100% good, but the man seems to be a real joy to be around and has a good nature. I actually met the Dalai Lama once. As long as we're sharing stories here goes mine.So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock.

    So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald. So, I'm on the first tee with him.

    I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama - long, into a ten-thousand foot crevice, right at the base of this glacier. And do you know what the Lama says?

    Gunga galunga.gunga - gunga galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me.

    And I say, 'Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.' And he says, 'Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consiousness.'

    So I got that goin' for me, which is nice. For starters, it's a joke that really only makes sense to English-speakers and comes mainly from American culture. So expecting a Tibetan who doesn't speak much English to get it was a bit much.So it's a common misconception that the main focus of Buddhism is to become 'one with everything'; to be at peace with the universe and not think of yourself as a separate entity.

    It's kind of true, but it's an over-simplification. Okay, so it's a joke, so some watering down is expected. It's not really a phrase a Buddhist monk would use, either.

    I'd say it's more of a hippy / new-age thing to say.A pizza vendor or a hot dog vendor (I've heard both) can be asked to 'make me one with everything'; that is, made with a bit of all the different toppings.So the joke is that the pizza shop owner would be confused by the request because the Buddhist monk is already enlightened; he doesn't need any help to be 'one with everything'.

    Dalai Lama Pizza Joke
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